Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Le contrôle de l’information, un enjeu stratégique majeur
Winand, Jean
Le monde est devenu quasi illisible. À quoi ou à qui se fier ? La fabrication et la diffusion de fausses informations existent depuis toujours, mais l’internet a propagé le phénomène à l’échelle mondiale, et les logiciels rendent la détection des fausses informations très difficile, sinon impossible. Il est donc crucial de donner aux utilisateurs les moyens de s’approprier l’information afin de pouvoir se former une opinion personnelle basée sur la critique et la raison.
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
L’égyptien: une langue comme les autres. Les hiéroglyphes: une écriture pas tout à fait comme les autres
Winand, Jean
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Verbal and Lexical Suppletion in Ancient Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2024In Uljas, Sami; Dorn, Andreas (Eds.) Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology
Peer reviewed
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les hiéroglyphes en terre liégeoise : de la symbolique de la Renaissance à l’ésotérisme maçonnique
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Relations sémantiques en égyptien ancien – Le cas de l’antonymie
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Les hiéroglyphes égyptiens à la Renaissance. Une renaissance ou une seconde mort ?
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Kircher’s Roman obelisks ad maiorem Dei gloriam Egyptian obelisks as the membra disjecta of the prisca theologia
Winand, Jean
2023Immortal Egypt (2)
Editorial reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
A world of ideas without words: Renaissance hieroglyphs between philosophy and entertainment
Winand, Jean
2023Immortal Egypt (1)
Editorial reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
L’avenir des humanités
de Callataÿ, François; Winand, Jean
2023In Au service de la société. Les Académies face aux défis d’un monde complexe
Editorial reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
From Egypt to China: Fantasizing the survival of hieroglyphic writing in the age of Enlightenment
Winand, Jean
2023In Boidin, Carole; Champy, Flora; Pavy-Guilbert, Elise (Eds.) Images des langues, langues imaginées Imaginaires des langues anciennes et orientales en France au siècle des Lumières
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Le faux, le vrai, le moins vrai, le moins faux. Retour sur des pratiques séculaires, en Égypte ancienne et dans l’Antiquité classiqu
Winand, Jean
2023In Degrés: Revue de Synthèse à Orientation Sémiologique, 195-196, p. 1-25
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Other (Diverse speeches and writings)
25 années de rankings
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Pour une science ouverte ! Les humanités au carrefour de l’interdisciplinarité
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Des hiéroglyphes qui fascinent trop : errances renaissantes et baroques
Winand, Jean
20221822/2022 Autour de Champollion: Déchiffrements d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
Editorial reviewed
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Quand les néo-hiéroglyphes fleurissaient à la Renaissance
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Deux siècles après Champollion. La linguistique et la philologie égyptiennes au XXIe siècle
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Entre phonétisme et iconisme : le cas de l’écriture hiéroglyphique
Winand, Jean
Article (Scientific journals)
15 Jahrhunderte vergessen. Von den letzten Hieroglyphen Ägyptens bis zum Brief an M. Dacier
Winand, Jean
2022In Antike Welt, 5/2022, p. 13-20
Editorial reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La réception de l’antiquité classique
Winand, Jean
2022In Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaëlle (Eds.) Les hiéroglyphes en Europe avant Champollion. Depuis l’Antiquité classique jusqu’à l’Expédition d’Égypte
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Le Moyen Âge chrétien et la tradition orientale
Winand, Jean
2022In Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaëlle (Eds.) Les hiéroglyphes en Europe avant Champollion. Depuis l’Antiquité classique jusqu’à l’Expédition d’Égypte
Collective work published as editor or director (Books)
Les hiéroglyphes en Europe avant Champollion. Depuis l’Antiquité classique jusqu’à l’Expédition d’Égypte
Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaëlle
2022Presses universitaires de Liège, Liège, Belgium
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Catalogue de l'exposition
Chantrain, Gaëlle; Dechevez, Julien; Winand, Jean
2022In Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaëlle (Eds.) Les hiéroglyphes avant Champollion. Depuis l'Antiquité classique jusqu'à l'Expédition d'Egypte
Article (Scientific journals)
Athanase Kircher et le déchiffrement des hiéroglyphes : réalité ou fiction ?
Winand, Jean
2022In Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, 239, p. 217-255
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Il n'y a pas que les hiéroglyphes ! Les néo-hiéroglyphes à la Renaissance, en pays mosan et ailleurs
Winand, Jean
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Introduction. Des derniers hiéroglyphes à la lettre à Bon-Joseph Dacier : quinze siècles de tâtonnements
Winand, Jean
2022In Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaëlle (Eds.) Les hiéroglyphes en Europe avant Champollion. Depuis l’Antiquité classique jusqu’à l’Expédition d’Égypte
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La réception des hiéroglyphes en Occident (de l’Antiquité classique au déchiffrement)
Winand, Jean
2022In Polis, Stéphane (Ed.) Langues et écritures d’Égypte antique. Repères chronologiques et terminologiques
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Les universités et les rankings internationaux : victimes ou complices ?
Winand, Jean
2022In Rouet, Gilles (Ed.) Classement des universités
Peer reviewed
Contribution to encyclopedias, dictionaries... (Parts of books)
Pre-Coptic Dialects
Winand, Jean
2022In UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Classifying/Lexicalyzing the outside world
Winand, Jean
2021Language, Semantics and Cognition: Saying and conceptualizing the world from Ancient Egypt to Modern Times
Article (Scientific journals)
The Thot Sign List (TSL). An open digital repertoire of hieroglyphic signs
Polis, Stéphane; Desert, Luc; Dils, Peter et al.
2021In Égypte nilotique et méditerranéenne, 14, p. 55-74
This paper introduces the Thot Sign List (TSL), a sourced digital repertoire of hieroglyphic signs that documents the hieroglyphic signs and their uses ( We present the underlying data model and describe the front-end that allows the users to navigate the complexity of the hieroglyphic script and to search for signs based on functional and iconic criteria.
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Aspect in ancient Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2021In Witte, Markus; Puvaneswaran, Brinthanan (Eds.) Tempus und Aspekt in den alten Sprachen / Sense and aspect in Ancient Language
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Horapollon ou la fin d’un parcours
Winand, Jean
2021In Fournet, Jean-Luc (Ed.) Les Hieroglyphica d’Horapollon de l’Égypte antique à l’Europe moderne. Histoire, fiction et réappropriation
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Les hiéroglyphes égyptiens après Kircher : la naissance de la philologie orientale au XVIIIe siècle
Winand, Jean
2021In Bonnet, Corinne; Courouau, Jean-François; Dieu, Eric (Eds.) Lux Philologiæ, L’essor de la philologie au XVIIIe siècle
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Le père Athanase Kircher et l’interpretatio alchimique du mythe d’Isis et Osiris (Oedipus Aegyptiacus, II, 2)
Winand, Jean; Mertens, Michèle
2021In Carlig, Nathan; Ricciardetto, Antonio; Nocchi Macedo, Gabriel et al. (Eds.) Le médecin et le livre. Hommages à Marie-Hélène Marganne
Peer reviewed
Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
De Thot Sign List (TSL), Een digitaal repertoire van hiëroglyfische tekens
Grotenhuis, Jorke; Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean et al.
In this paper, we present the Thot Sign List (TSL), an international project that aims at building an online repertoire of hieroglyphic signs and functions ( After a brief history of the project, we introduce the data model, which meets the requirements formulated in Meeks (2013) and Polis & Rosmorduc (2013, 2015), and discuss the use of shared thesauri for the metadata (Thesauri and Ontologies for documenting ancient Egyptian resources; In a second step, we describe the end-user interface, highlighting the interest of this tool for scholars and students alike.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Lexical (a)symmetry, Lexical complementarity, Lexical suppletion
Winand, Jean
2020Crossroads VI. Between Egyptian linguistics and philology
Short communication (Scientific journals)
Louer l'âne de Nebnéfer (O. Winand 1)
Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
2020In Revue d'Egyptologie, 70, p. 203-204
Publication d’un ostracon du milieu de la 20e dynastie provenant de Deir el-Médineh et mentionnant la location d’un âne appartenant à Nebnéfer (xii), fils de Pentaouret (vii).
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La quête d’Isis ou la confirmation de Dieu : l’interpretatio Kircheriana
Winand, Jean
2020In Bricault, Laurent; Bonnet, Corinne; Gomez, Caroline (Eds.) Les Mille et Une Vies d'Isis. La réception des divinités du cercle isiaque de la fin de l'Antiquité à nos jours
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Quand le texte ne suffit plus. Éléments de réflexion sur la notion de paratexte dans l’Égypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
2020In Carlig, Nathan; Motte, Aurore; Lescuyer, Guillaume et al. (Eds.) Signes dans les textes. Continuités et ruptures des pratiques scribales en Égypte pharaonique, gréco-romaine et byzantine
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
When Classical authors encountered Egyptian Epigraphy
Winand, Jean
2020In Davies, Vanessa; Laboury, Dimitri (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Egyptian Epigraphy and Palaeography
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Etonnement en Egypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
2019Visualiser les émotions dans l'Egype ancienne: images et textes
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Thot Sign List (TSL). A digital repertoire of hieroglyphic signs
Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean; Desert, Luc et al.
201912th International Congress of Egyptologists
In this paper, we present the Thot Sign List (TSL), an international project that aims at building an online repertoire of hieroglyphic signs and functions ( After a brief history of the project, we introduce the data model, which meets the requirements formulated in Meeks (2013) and Polis & Rosmorduc (2013, 2015), and discuss the use of shared thesauri for the metadata (Thesauri and Ontologies for documenting ancient Egyptian resources; In a second step, we describe the end-user interface, highlighting the interest of this tool for scholars and students alike.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Classifying without Classifiers. Some particular issues in Ancient Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2019Texts and Contexts. Ancient Egyptian written culture in Perspective
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les hiéroglyphes, cette source infinie de fascination
Winand, Jean
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
A quoi servent les classements universitaires ?
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Ancient Egyptian lexical semantics: classifiers and beyond
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Lost in translation. Understanding the verbal predication in Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2019Tense and Aspect in Ancient Languages
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Can we (easily) get rid of the humanities?
Winand, Jean
2019Cultural heritage: at the intersection of the humanities and the sciences
Other (Diverse speeches and writings)
Be creative, think digital! The Universities at a crossroads.
Winand, Jean
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Did you say synonyms? The case of pH and spa in Late Egyptian.
Winand, Jean
2019In Brose, Marc; Dils, Peter; Naether, Franziska et al. (Eds.) En détail - Philologie und Archäologie im Diskurs
Peer reviewed
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
L'Egypte des Pharaons en bord de Meuse
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Semantic maps: Questions … and some possible answers from an outsider
Winand, Jean
2018Semantic maps: Where do we stand and where are we going?
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Horapollon ou la fin d'un parcours
Winand, Jean
2018Hellénisme et hiéroglyphes dans l'Antiquité tardive
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Un dictionnaire de l'égyptien ancien pour le 21e siècle
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Après Kircher : Les errements de la piste chinoise, les impasses du symbolisme et la quête d’un alphabet
Winand, Jean
2018Journée du groupe de contact FNRS "Egyptologie"
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Understanding the Egyptian Lexicon with(out) Comparison
Winand, Jean
2018Rethinking the Origins
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
La philologie à l'épreuve des langues et des écritures exotiques: le cas de l'égyptien hiéroglyphique
Winand, Jean
2018Lux philologiae. L'essor de la philologie au XVIIIe s.
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Temps et espace en Egypte ancienne: une introduction
Chantrain, Gaëlle; Winand, Jean
2018In Chantrain, Gaëlle; Winand, Jean (Eds.) Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt
Peer reviewed
Collective work published as editor or director (Books)
Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt
Chantrain, Gaëlle; Winand, Jean
2018Widmaier, Hamburg, Germany
This volume is a collection of papers that were presented during the international conference Time and Space in Ancient Egypt organised by the Université catholique de Louvain and the Université de Liège (Louvain-la-Neuve, 9–11 June 2016). The participants were invited to examine in the broadest possible way the interactions between the expressions of time and space. This volume does not pretend to come with definitive solutions or conclusions, even less, with a new theory. As suggested in the title, one of our main goals was to problematize these topics by promoting interdisciplinary discussions on possible links of interconnectivity between time and space, two among the most basic modes of cultural organization.
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Dialectal, sociolectal and idiolectal variations in the late Egyptian texts from Deir el-Medineh and the Theban area
Winand, Jean
2018In Polis, Stéphane; Dorn, Andreas (Eds.) Outside the Box.
Peer reviewed
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
L'université à la croisée des chemins. Plaidoyer pour une université de la culture
Winand, Jean
2018Académie royale de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium
Face au désinvestissement des États, confrontées à l’émergence de nouveaux modes d’acquisition et de diffusion du savoir, en proie à une compétition féroce dans un marché concurrentiel, les universités peinent à trouver un modèle conciliant leurs missions fondamentales en matière d’enseignement et de recherche avec un équilibre financier à moyen et à long terme. Dans une société où les repères traditionnels s’écroulent, dans un monde surinformé où les valeurs démocratiques peinent à se faire entendre, les universités doivent plus que jamais innover dans leurs méthodes d’enseignement et maintenir une recherche de pointe. Mais aussi, sous peine de devenir des instituts techniques, elles doivent être des lieux privilégiés où se développe la liberté de penser en lien avec une culture profonde, nourrie de son épaisseur historique, permettant de s’approprier le passé pour mieux envisager le futur.
Article (Scientific journals)
L'Université et la démocratie des crédules
Winand, Jean
2018In Courrier de l'Unesco, (Janvier-mars), p. 21-23
Peer reviewed
Contribution to encyclopedias, dictionaries... (Parts of books)
Late Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2018In UCLA Encyclopedia of EgyptologyUC
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Temps et espace en Égypte ancienne : une introduction
Winand, Jean
2018In Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaelle (Eds.) Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Un peu d’analyse valentielle, quelques collocations lexicales et un soupçon de classificateurs sémantiques : une note sur le pBerlin 10487
Winand, Jean
2018In Doyen, Florence; Preys, René (Eds.) Sur le chemin du Mouseion d’Alexandrie. Études offertes à Marie-Cécile Bruwier
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Words of Thieves
Winand, Jean
2018In Cromwell, Jennifer; Grossman, Eitan (Eds.) Scribal Repertoires in Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Early Islamic Period
This paper studies how the scribes handled the testimonies given during the trials related to the Great Tomb Robbery case at the end of the 20th Dynasty in Egypt. Some stylistic uniformisation inevitably took place, for instance in the narrative sections that were subjected to some general canvass. This is also illustrated by the way the scribes completed and modified the evidence given during the trial to match administrative format (this can best be seen in the function titles and in the lists of the stolen items), and by the way they re-phrased words spoken by the accused/witnesses. In some cases, verbatim quotations could be kept, as shown by occasional intrusions of slang. Variation also occurred even in very general formulae, in the spelling of very common words, or in phraseology. The paper finally presents some case studies directly relevant for the discussion of variation: 1) one case reported by two witnesses in the same papyrus, 2) one case reported by one witness in two different papyri, 3) parallel wording in two unrelated cases reported by two witnesses in the same papyrus, and 4) parallel wording in two unrelated cases reported by two witnesses in two different papyri.
Peer reviewed
Preface, postface, glossary... (Parts of books)
Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaëlle
2018In Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaëlle (Eds.) Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt
Collective work published as editor or director (Books)
Time and Space at Issue in Ancient Egypt
Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaëlle
2018Kai Widmaier, Hambourg, Germany
Speech/Talk (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les Amis de la Conférence Mondiale des Humanités
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Et si on se passait (complètement) des sciences humaines ?
Winand, Jean
2017Conférence mondiale des humanités / World Humanities Conference
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Le point de vue onomasiologique – Réseaux de sens et cartes sémantiques
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Les verbes de mouvement à l’épreuve des temps de la conjugaison : vers une actionalité des procès
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Analyse argumentale : notion d’actant et rôles sémantiques
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Fondements théoriques d’une analyse du lexique
Winand, Jean
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Des on-dit aux oracles. La clôture du discours xr.f en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
2017In Bosson, Nathalie; Boud'hors, Anne; Aufrère, Sydney (Eds.) Labor Omnia Uicit Improbus. Miscellanea in honorem Ariel Shisha-Halevy
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Identifying Semitic loanwords in Late Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2017In Dils, Peter; Grossman, Eitan; Richter, Sebastian et al. (Eds.) Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic: Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient African Language
Peer reviewed
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Les pharaons
Winand, Jean
2017Presses universitaires de France, Paris, France
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
(Re)productive Traditions in Ancient Egypt. Some considerations with a particular focus on literature and language(s)
Winand, Jean
2017In Gillen, Todd (Ed.) (Re)productive Traditions in Ancient Egypt.
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
La quête d’Isis ou la confirmation de Dieu : l’interpretatio Kircheriana
Winand, Jean
2016La réception des divinités du cercle isiaque de l'Antiquité à nos jours
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Quelle(s) langue(s) pour l'enseignement supérieur ?
Winand, Jean
2016Politique plurilingue des facultés francophones : adhésion ou rejet
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Time and Space. An Introduction (with a special focus on Linguistics and Semantics)
Winand, Jean; Chantrain, Gaëlle
2016Time and Space in Ancient Egypt
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Les signes dans les textes de l'Egypte pharaonique, gréco-romaine et byzantine. Introduction au thème
Winand, Jean
2016Signes dans les textes. Recherches sur les continuités et les ruptures des pratiques scribales en Egypte pharaonique, gréco-romaine et byzantine
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Second argument realization in Earlier Egyptian
Motte, Aurore; Winand, Jean
2016Crossroads V - whence and whither ? Egyptian-Coptic linguistics in comparative perspectives
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Présentation du programme de la conférence mondiale des humanités (Liège, août 2017)
Winand, Jean
2016Assemblée de l'Union Académique Internationale
Other (Reports)
World Conference of Humanities, report of Scientific Committee 18/01/2016
Winand, Jean
Collective work published as editor or director (Books)
Aere perennius. Mélanges égyptologiques en l'honneur de Pascal Vernus
Collombert, Philippe; Lefèvre, Dominique; Polis, Stéphane et al.
2016Peeters, Belgium
Ce volume rassemble 45 essais offert en hommage à Pascal Vernus.
Preface, postface, glossary... (Parts of books)
Introduction. Aere perennius ... regalique situ pyramidum altius
Collombert, Philippe; Lefèvre, Dominique; Polis, Stéphane et al.
2016In Collombert, Philippe; Lefèvre, Dominique; Polis, Stéphane et al. (Eds.) Aere perennius. Mélanges égyptologiques en l'honneur de Pascal Vernus
Préface et introduction du volume : Aere perennius. Mélanges égyptologiques en l'honneur de Pascal Vernus.
Article (Scientific journals)
Dialects in Pre-Coptic Egyptian. With a special attention to Late Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2016In Lingua Aegyptia, 23, p. 229-269
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Le nom de dieu
Winand, Jean
2016In Qertinmont, Arnaud (Ed.) Dieux, génies et dons en Egypte ancienne. A la rencontre d'Osiris, Anubis, Isis, Hathor, Rê et les autresSo
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
The Chariots, the Hittites and the Grammar
Winand, Jean
2016In Langrafova, Renata; Mynářová, Jana (Eds.) Rich and Great. Studies in Honour of Anthony J. Spalinger on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The syntax-semantics Interface in Earlier Egyptian: A Case study in Verbs of Cognition
Winand, Jean
2016In Coping with Obscurity: The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Traces d'indices actanciels en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
2016In Collombert, Philippe; Lefevre, Dominique; Polis, Stéphane et al. (Eds.) Aere perennius. Mélanges égyptologiques en l’honneur de Pascal Vernus
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
L'image égyptienne peut-elle nier ?
Winand, Jean; Angenot, Valérie
2016In Badir, Sémir; Dondero, Maria Giulia (Eds.) L'image peut-elle nier ?
Peer reviewed
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Fissures et accrocs du modèle idéologique de l'Egypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
L'Oedipe des Temps modernes: Athanase Kircher et l'interprétation des hiéroglyphes de l'Egypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Prelimary report of the Programme Committee of World Conference of Humanities
Winand, Jean
2015General Assembly of the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Building bridges (preliminary steps towards a new dictionary of Ancient Egyptian)
Winand, Jean
2015Anneliese Maier Forschungspreis
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Ramses goes Online. An annotated corpus of Late Egyptian texts in interaction with the Egyptological community
Polis, Stéphane; Rosmorduc, Serge; Winand, Jean
2015International Congress of Egyptologists XI
The Ramses project was first introduced to Egyptologists in 2008, during the 10th interna-tional congress of Egyptologists held in Rhodes (Winand et al. in press). After eight years of IT developments (under the responsibility of S. Rosmorduc) and of annotation of Late Egyptian texts (Polis et al. 2013; Polis & Winand 2013), the data can now progressively be made available online. After an introduction providing general information about the annotated corpus (510 000+ tokens; 65 000+ hieroglyphic spellings; 10 000+ lemmata; 4000+ texts), this paper will focus on three main aspects: 1. Description of the functionalities of the annotating tool (the TextEditor), with a special attention to the metadata that are used for describing the documents and texts that are integrated in the corpus. This section will include proposals regarding the creation of shared thesauri for describing (written) Egyptian material. 2. Discussion of the solution that has been designed for handling the evolution of the database (see already Rosmorduc 2013), both as regards its content — namely, any change that affects texts, lemmata, inflexions, spellings, etc. — and its structure — types and structure of the metadata, evolution of the texts representation format, etc. In a nutshell, the new database will use the technique of event sourcing, where the database is seen as a sequence of editing events, which allows both “time travel” in the database history, and easy fix of editing mistakes. 3. Presentation of the first Online version of Ramses. Several corpora of Late Egyptian texts (the so-called Tomb Robberies, the Late Egyptian Stories, the Late Ramesside letters and a selection of ostraca from Deir el-Medineh) will be made available for the first time at the occasion the 11th International Congress in Florence. The website will of course allow users to browse the annotated texts and lexemes, and to make simple or complex queries. Besides, we will also encourage Egyptologists to interact directly with the data, e.g., by flagging inaccuracies or signaling alternative analysis.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
A new dictionary of Ancient Egyptian
Winand, Jean
201511e Congrès international des Egyptologues
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Time and aspect: what the academic grammars say, and what the texts actually show
Winand, Jean
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Structuring the lexicon
Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
2015In Kousoulis, P.; Lazaridis, N. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists. University of the aegean, rhodes 22-29 May 2008
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Fuzzy boundaries, fuzzy syntax. Quelques réflexions sur le progressif et d'autres constructions en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
2015In Amstutz, A.; Dorn, Andreas; Müller, Matthias et al. (Eds.) Fuzzy Boundaries. Festschrift für Antonio Loprieno
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
On the increasing relevance of time in later Late Egyptian: jw sDm=f and jw jw=f r sDm, and other things
Winand, Jean
2015In Lingua Aegyptia, 22
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
The oblique expression of the object in Ancient Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2015In Grossman, Eitan; Haspelmath, Martin; Richter, Tonio (Eds.) Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Typological Perspective
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Syntax-Semantics Interface in Earlier Egyptian: a Case Study in Verbs of Cognition
Winand, Jean
2015In Allen, James P.; Collier, Mark; Stauder, Andréas (Eds.) Coping with Obscurity: the Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Ramses. An Annotated Corpus of Late Egyptian
Winand, Jean; Polis, Stéphane; Rosmorduc, Serge
2015In Kousoulis, P.; Lazaridis, N. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists. University of the aegean, rhodes 22-29 May 2008
First official presentation of the "Ramses Project", an richly annotated corpus of Late Egyptian [Paper submitted in 2008/2009]
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Negations in Late Egyptian: the general trends. A functional and typological perspective
Winand, Jean
2014Workshop ‘Negation in Ancient Egyptian’
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Registres de la langue en néo-égyptien: le cas des Tomb Robberies
Winand, Jean
20143000 years of written expression: registers of language and writing in Ancient Egypt
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Athanase Kircher ou l’Oedipe des Temps modernes
Winand, Jean
2014Groupe de contact du FNRS
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Tracking dialects in a dead language: the case of Late Egyptian
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Between dialect and idiolect in Deir el-Medineh
Winand, Jean
2014Deir el-Medina and the Theban Necropolis in Contact: Describing the interactions within and outside the community of workmen
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Université : Les interactions possibles avec l’enseignement non-universitaire
Winand, Jean
2014La professionnalisation des études universitaires. L'exemple de la traduction/interprétation
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
La famille isiaque en bords de Vesdre
Winand, Jean
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
La réception de l'écriture hiéroglyphique à la Renaissance et aux Temps modernes
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Tracking dialects in late Egyptian
Winand, Jean
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Tale of Sinuhe: History of a literary text
Winand, Jean
2014In Hays, Harold; Feder, Frank; Morenz, Ludwig (Eds.) Interpretations of Sinuhe
Peer reviewed
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
L'écriture hiéroglyphique
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Les hiéroglyphes à l'heure de l'informatique
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
And the winner is ... When =f and pAj=f play hide-and-seek
Winand, Jean
2014Workshop on Possession in Ancient Egyptian
Collective work published as editor or director (Books)
On Forms and Functions: Studies in Ancient Egyptian Grammar
Grossman, Eitan; Polis, Stéphane; Stauder, Andréas et al.
2014Widmaier Verlag, Hamburg, Germany
This volume is the outcome of a workshop on ancient Egyptian syntax held in Liège in 2011. The contributions deal with several central topics in syntactic analyses – like coordination, raising, gradience or non-expression of participants –, but also investigate the relationship between syntax stricto sensu and other fields, from morphology to pragmatics (with a special attention to construction types and grammaticalization processes). The studies cover the whole Ancient Egyptian corpus, from Old Egyptian down to Coptic, with a striking common concern, which is to relate systematically the formal dimension to the functional one. Thereby, the papers go beyond the descriptive level and address numerous stimulating ‘why?’ questions.
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Décoder les hiéroglyphes. De l'antiquité tardive à l'Expédition d'Egypte
Winand, Jean
2014Académie royale de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Le corps du Prince. La perception de l'Egypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
2014In Marchandisse, Alain (Ed.) Le corps du Prince
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
When 'and' meets 'with'
Winand, Jean
2014In Grossman, Eitan; Polis, Stéphane; Stauder, Andréas et al. (Eds.) On Forms and Functions: Studies in Ancient Egyptian Grammar
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
La recherche et la formation doctorales au XXIe siècle
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
As if spoken: What do we really know about Late Egyptian as a vernacular language?
Winand, Jean
2013Filtering Decorum – Facing reality
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
L'écriture hiéroglyphique
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Ecriture: marqueurs de la représentation. Le cas de l'Egypte ancienne. 2. La réception des hiéroglyphes en Occident. de l'Antiquité aux Temps modernes
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Frontières, limites et bordures : construction de l’espace réel et de l’espace imaginaire en Égypte ancienne
Winand, Jean; Gillen, Todd Jonathan
2013Espaces frontaliers : zones de contact, zones de conflit ?
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Ecriture: marqueurs de la représentation. Le cas de l'Egypte ancienne. 1. La naissance de l'écriture
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
La réception des hiéroglyphes égyptiens à la Renaissance et aux Temps modernes. La quête d'une écriture universelle
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Semantic-syntactic Interface
Winand, Jean
2013Workshop on Earlier Egyptian
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Ramses. A tool for linguistic analysis of Late Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2013Von Früh bis Spät: Hieratisch. Phasen, Formen und Funktionen der altägyptischen Handschrift
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
(Re)productive Tradition in Ancient Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2013(Re)productive Tradition in Ancient Egypt
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Building an Annotated Corpus of Late Egyptian. The Ramses Project: Review and Perspectives
Polis, Stéphane; Honnay, Anne-Claude; Winand, Jean
2013In Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean (Eds.) Texts, Languages & Information Technology in Egyptology. Selected papers from the meeting of the Computer Working Group of the International Association of Egyptologists (Informatique & Égyptologie), Liège, 6-8 July 2010
This paper reviews the experience of the Ramses Project in constructing a richly annotated corpus of Late Egyptian that consists of 300 000 words in 2011 (and is expected to grow up to more than 1 million words in coming years). During the first five years of the project, this corpus has been encoded in hieroglyphic script, translated in French or English and received annotations for part-of-speech information, lemmatization, and morphological analysis. The methodology and working tools that have been developed in order to build this corpus are here discussed and future developments are presented.
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Ramses project : Methodology and practices in the annotation of Late Egyptian Texts
Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
2013In Hafemann, Ingelore (Ed.) Perspektiven einer corpusbasierten historischen Linguistik und Philologie : Internationale Tagung des Akademienvorhabens „Altägyptisches Wörterbuch“ an der BBAW, 12.-13. Dezember 2011
This paper is an updated presentation of the Ramses project being currently developed at the University of Liège. The first section stresses the main objectives and gives a technical description of the general architecture of Ramses software. The second part describes the encoding procedures and reviews the current state of the annotation. In the third section, some changes brought about by the use of large-scale corpora are discussed from an epistemological viewpoint. The paper ends with the presentation of some new avenues for research that will ensue from the use of a complex multilevel corpus.
Peer reviewed
Collective work published as editor or director (Books)
Texts, Languages & Information Technology in Egyptology. Selected papers from the meeting of the Computer Working Group of the International Association of Egyptologists (Informatique & Égyptologie), Liège, 6-8 July 2010
Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean; Gillen, Todd Jonathan
2013Presses Universitaires de Liège, Liège, Belgium
This volume represents the outcome of the meeting of the Computer Working Group of the Interna-tional Association of Egyptologists (Informatique & Égyptologie) held in Liège in 2010 (6-8 July) under the auspices of the Ramses Project. The papers are based on presentations given during this meeting and have been selected in order to cover three main thematic areas of research at the intersection of Egyptology and Information Technology: (1) the construction, management and use of Ancient Egyptian annotated corpora; (2) the problems linked to hieroglyphic encoding; (3) the development of databases in the fields of art history, philology and prosopography. The contributions offer an up-to-date state of the art, they discuss the most promising avenues for future research, developments and implementation, and they suggest solutions to longstanding issues in the field. Two general trends characterize the projects laid out here: the desire for online accessibility made available to the widest possible audience; and the search for standardization and interoperability. The efforts in these directions are admittedly of paramount importance for the future of Egyptological research in general. Indeed, for the present and increasingly for the future, one cannot overemphasize the (empirical and methodological) impact of a generalized access to structured data of the highest possible quality that can be browsed and/or exchanged without loss of information.
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Aux origines de l'écriture. Les hiéroglyphes égyptiens
Winand, Jean
2013Académie royale de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Des on-dit aux oracles. La clôture de discours xr.f en néo-égyptien.
Winand, Jean
2013In Aufrère, Sydney; Bosson, Nathalie; Grosmann, Eitan (Eds.) Labor omnia vicit improbus. Ariel Shisha-Halevy in Honorem
Peer reviewed
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Les hiéroglyphes égyptiens
Winand, Jean
2013Presses universitaires de France
Article (Scientific journals)
Une note sur Ipouer XII, 13-14
Winand, Jean
2013In Zeitschrift für Agyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
Peer reviewed
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Lexique du Moyen Egyptien. Avec une introduction grammaticale et une liste des mots présentés selon le classificateur sémantique.
Winand, Jean; Stella, Alessandro
2013PULg, Liège, Belgium
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
A dictionary, please ! The Leipzig call.
Winand, Jean
2012Das Altägyptische Wörterbuch und die Lexikographie der ägyptisch-Koptsichen Sprache
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Ramses Project. Exploring Ancient Egyptian linguistic data using a richly annotated corpus
Winand, Jean; Polis, Stéphane
2012Exploring Ancient Languages Through Corpora
The Ramses project — developed at the University of Liège since 2006 — aims at building a richly annotated historical corpus of Late Egyptian texts and, more broadly, of all the written material whose linguistic registers attest Late Egyptian evolutionary features from the 18th dynasty down to the Third Intermediate Period (ca. 1350-700 BCE). It has been specially designed with the idea of having a tool specifically dedicated to research in Egyptian linguistics. The corpus includes, for each text, the relevant graphemic (hieroglyphic transcription with transliteration) and linguistic information (complete morpho-syntactic analysis) as well as a full set of meta-data (description and categorization of the corpus, plus bibliographical references). Starting in 2013, we will progressively provide online access to the Ramses corpus. From a technical point of view, Ramses is a relational database in SQL where the texts are represented and stored in XML. Currently, ca. 1350 texts have been included in the database and received multifaceted annotations: they have been encoded in hieroglyphic script, translated in French and/or English and received annotations for part-of-speech information, lemmatization, and morphological analysis. The corpus consists of slightly more than 300 000 words at the end of 2011 (and is expected to grow up to more than 1 million words in coming years), which amounts to ca. 8000 lemmata, 14 000 inflexions and 45 000 spellings. In this paper, we review the experience of the Ramses Project in building a richly annotated corpus of an ancient language with a complex writing system. A particular emphasis will be put on the new avenues of research that a tool like Ramses opens up for the study of ancient text languages. First, we present the state of the art in Egyptology and the reasons for launching such a project. Second, we introduce the editing software and the annotation scheme. Third, we present a series of case studies (study of classifiers; relation between the graphemic and morphological level; valency pattern alternation; diaphasic variation) in order to highlight the capabilities of the search engine and the new avenues that it opens up for research in Ancient Egyptian linguistics.
Article (Scientific journals)
L'adverbe gr en néo-égyptien
Chantrain, Gaëlle; Winand, Jean
2012In Revue d'Egyptologie, 63, p. 43-66
Peer reviewed
Collective work published as editor or director (Books)
Lexical Semantics in Ancient Egyptian
Grossman, Eitan; Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
2012Lingua Aegyptia, Hamburg, Germany
This volume is the first to be devoted specifically to the study of lexical semantics in Ancient Egyptian. While much research has been dedicated to a wide range of grammatical issues in past decades, lexical semantics has rarely been treated in a systematic fashion. The papers collected here treat a range of semantic phenomena, from the lexical semantics of spatial expressions, to the problems of analyzing polyfunctionality and even to the semantics of the Egyptian writing system. The scope of these issues goes well beyond the individual 'word' or lexical item, as a number of papers address the semantics of syntactic constructions. Some authors call into question the distinction between lexicon and grammar, or analyze the lexical semantics of items usually considered 'grammatical' or 'function' words, such as discourse particles. This volume also spans a number of theoretical frameworks and methodologies that have not been prominent in Egyptian linguistics and philology, such as typologically-oriented semantic maps and other visual tools. The papers in this volume do not aim to define the 'state of the art,' but rather seek to stimulate the study of meaning in Ancient Egyptian, to point to innovative avenues for future research, and to engage in a broader dialogue between Egyptian linguistics and philology, on the one hand, and the research frameworks and agendas of general linguistics, on the other.
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Le verbe et les variations d’actance: Les constructions réversibles (= Études valentielles, 2)
Winand, Jean
2012In Grossman, Eitan; Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean (Eds.) Lexical Semantics in Ancient Egyptian
Peer reviewed
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Les activités du service d'Egyptologie de l'ULg à Karnak
Winand, Jean
2012In Bruwier, Marie-Cécile; Bavay, Laurent (Eds.) Ceci n'est pas une pyramide ... Un siècle de recherche archéologique belge en Egypte
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The oblique expression of the Object in Ancient Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2012In Haspelmath, Martin; Richter, Sebastian (Eds.) Language Typology and Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Words of thieves. How to keep the record straight
Winand, Jean
2012In Cromwell, Jennifer; Grossman, Eitan (Eds.) Beyond Free Variation : Scribal Repertoires in Egypt from the Old Kingdom to the Early Islamic Period
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
L'image égyptienne peut-elle nier ?
Winand, Jean; Angenot, Valérie
2011L'image peut-elle nier ?
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Ramses Project. Linguistic annotation and corpus mark-up in Late Egyptian: Theoretical and methodological issues
Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
2011Perspektiven einer corpusbasierten historischen Linguistik und Philologie
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
La médecine aux temps des Pharaons
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
When 'and' meets 'with'
Winand, Jean
2011New Directions in Egyptian Syntax
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The illusions of a pure synchronic grammar. On the relevance of the generational factor in Deir el-Medineh Late Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2011Scribes as agents of language change
Article (Scientific journals)
La grammaire du papyrus Harris
Gohy, Stéphanie; Winand, Jean
2011In Lingua Aegyptia, (19), p. 175-245
Au cours des dernières décennies, la question des corpus, de leur composition et de leur définition, a pris une importance croissante. Des réflexions diverses sur la nature des textes et sur la manière de les catégoriser ont vu le jour ; des systèmes de classification mobilisant des critères variés ont été proposés. La réflexion a surtout porté sur des textes homogènes par la forme et par le contenu. Si les questions soulevées par la classification d’un texte peuvent parfois être ardues, le problème est évidemment plus complexe dès lors qu’on s’attaque à un texte de nature composite. C’est ce que nous avons proposé d’étudier dans cette publication, en concentrant nos recherches sur un texte, le papyrus Harris, document composite mêlant hymnes et incantations magiques. Si le caractère non-homogène du texte apparaît de manière évidente de par son contenu, nous avons tenté de mettre en évidence sa nature composite par une série de traits linguistiques. Ainsi, l’analyse linguistique, particulièrement, la morphologie et la syntaxe, a permis de faire émerger deux grands ensembles au sein du document : le premier regroupant les sections A à H, se caractérise par l’emploi de l’égyptien de tradition (= partie I) ; le second, qui comprend les sections I à Y, puise largement dans les ressources du néo-égyptien (= partie II). Cette première approche doit tout de suite être nuancée. En effet, la partie I contient parfois des traits de néo-égyptien, et la partie II n’est pas – loin s’en faut – exempte de tournures venant de l’égyptien de tradition. Le papyrus Harris apparaît comme une adaptation de passages préexistants auxquels sont venus s’ajouter de nouvelles rédactions originales. L’analyse linguistique du texte semble indiquer que le rédacteur a d’abord utilisé du matériel ancien (partie I) avant d’exploiter des sources plus récentes.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
A propos du P. Ambras
Winand, Jean
2011In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 86, p. 22-30
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Teaching Ancient Egyptian. Between Linguistics and Philology
Winand, Jean
2011In Verbovsek, Alexandra (Ed.) Methodik und Didaktik in der Ägyptologie
Peer reviewed
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The report of Wenamun. A journey in the Egyptian Literature
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The Report of Wenamun. A Literary Approach
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The Ramses Project: Review and Perspectives
Honnay, Anne-Claude; Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
2010Informatique et Égyptologie 2010. Texts, Languages and Information Technology in Egyptology
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The Tale of Sinuhe. The history of a literary text
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Grammatical integration of loanwords in Late Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2010Linguistic borrowing into Coptic
Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les langues égyptiennes à l'époque amarnienne : Point de révolution sous le soleil d'Aton
Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
The Report of Wenanum : a Journey in Ancient Egyptian Literature
Winand, Jean
2010In Collier, M. (Ed.) Festchrift to K.A.K Kitchen
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
The quest for the Holy Grail. Longing for Alpha in Sinuhe
Winand, Jean
2009The Alpha and Omega of Sinuhe
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Words of thieves
Winand, Jean
2009Beyond Free-Variation: Scribal Repertoires in Egypt from the Old Kingdom to the Early Islamic Period
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
"Zero(s)" in Egyptian. Does nothing always mean something?
Winand, Jean
2009Crossroads IV
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les écritures égyptiennes
Winand, Jean
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Ramses. A New Research Tool in Philology and Linguistics
Rosmorduc, Serge; Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
2009In Strudwick, Nigel (Ed.) Information Technology and Egyptology in 2008. Proceedings of the meeting of the Computer Working Group of the International Association of Egyptologists (Informatique et Egyptologie), Vienna, 8–11 July 2008
This paper introduces Ramses, a database of Late Egyptian texts, currently under development at the University of Liège (Belgium). Ramses sets out to be a new and powerful research tool. Its main applications are linguistically and philologically orientated. After a general overview of the structure of the database, the search engines are described with some detail.
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La particule m-r-a en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
2009In Claes, W.; Hendrickx, S.; De Meulenaere, H. (Eds.) Elkab and Beyond. Studies in Honour of Luc Limme
Article (Scientific journals)
The resumptive pronoun in the relative clause in Late Egyptian
Winand, Jean
2009In Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 95, p. 149-159
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
Zeros in Egyptian. Can nothing mean something?
Winand, Jean
2009In Lingua Aegyptia, 17, p. 319-339
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Contribution to encyclopedias, dictionaries... (Parts of books)
Horus sur les crocodiles
Winand, Jean; Koemoth, Pierre
2009In Derriks, Claire; Delvaux, Luc (Eds.) Antiquités égyptiennes au Musée royal de Mariemont
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Oblique Object
Winand, Jean
2008Language Typology and Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Teaching Egyptian: a balance between philology and linguistics?
Winand, Jean
2008Ägyptologie und Kulturwissenschaft
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les aventures d’Ounamon. Un voyage dans la littérature de l’Égypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Les aventures d'Ounamon. Un voyage dans la littérature de l'Egypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Ramses. An Annotated corpus of Late Egyptian
Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
200810th International Congress of Egyptologists
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Structuring the Ancient Egyptian lexicon
Polis, Stéphane; Winand, Jean
200810th International Congress of Egyptologists
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Temps et aspects en ancien égyptien
Winand, Jean
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
(Temps) et aspect en égyptien ancien
Winand, Jean
Book review (Scientific journals)
Compte-rendu de Dieter KURTH, Der Oasenmann. Eine altägyptische Erzählung übersetzt und kommentiert
Winand, Jean
2008In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 83, p. 142-144
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
« Déjà », « aussi », « toujours » et « encore » … an en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
2008In Grandet, P.; Gallois, Chr.; Pantalacci, L. (Eds.) Mélanges offerts à François Neveu
Article (Scientific journals)
Encore Ounamon 2,27
Winand, Jean
2007In Lingua Aegyptia, 15, p. 299-306
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
La question de l’Être en Égypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
2007In Denooz, Joseph; Dortu, Véronique; Steinmetz, Rudy (Eds.) Mosaïque. Hommages à Pierre Somville
Article (Scientific journals)
Les formes nominalisées en égyptien ancien
Winand, Jean
2007In Faits de Langues, 30, p. 69-82
Peer reviewed
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
The report of Wenamun.
Winand, Jean
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
The Report of Wenamun. A Journey in the Ancient Egyptian Literature
Winand, Jean
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
L'Egypte hors d'Egypte: deux mille ans d'égyptomanie en Europe et ailleurs
Winand, Jean
Article (Scientific journals)
A Semantic Approach to the Egyptian Language : the Case of Time and Aspect. Towards a New Paradigm
Winand, Jean
2006In Lingua Aegyptia, (14), p. 451-472
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
L’image dans le texte ou le texte dans l’image ? : Le cas de l’Égypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
2006In Visible, 2 (2), p. 141-158
Article (Scientific journals)
La prédication non verbale en égyptien ancien
Winand, Jean
2006In Faits de Langues, (27), p. 73-102
Article (Scientific journals)
Le mur d’enceinte de Thoutmosis III décoré par Ramsès II au grand temple d’Amon-Rê à Karnak
Winand, Jean
2006In Isiaca. Bull. de l’Ass. d’Egyptologie, (1), p. 71-83
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Temps et aspect en ancien égyptien. Une approche sémantique
Winand, Jean
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Un siècle d’égyptologie à l’Université de Liège
Winand, Jean
2006In Warmembol, E. (Ed.) La Caravane du Caire
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Le mur d'enceinte du temple d'Amon-Rê à Karnak
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Aspect in Egyptian: a Semantic Approach
Winand, Jean
2005After Polotsky
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Le latin: un accès privilégié aux langues de culture européennes
Winand, Jean
Collective work published as editor or director (Books)
La langue dans tous ses états. Michel Malaise in honorem
Cannuyer, Christian; Schoors, A.; Lebrun, René et al.
2005Société belge d'Etudes Orientales, Bruxelles, Belgium
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Bio-bibliographie de Michel Malaise
Winand, Jean
2005In Cannuyer, Chr. (Ed.) Actes de la SBEO
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Les auteurs classiques et les écritures égyptiennes : Quelques questions de terminologie
Winand, Jean
2005In Cannuyer, Chr. (Ed.) Actes de la SBEO
Article (Scientific journals)
Temps physique et temps culturels : le cas de l’Égypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
2005In Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 74 (4), p. 311-325
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Entre texte et image : le cas de l'Egypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
2004Entre texte et image
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of Dead Languages. Semantics and Pragmatics of Verbal Clauses
Winand, Jean
2004Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of Dead Languages.
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Etre scribe ou la transmission du savoir
Winand, Jean
2004Société belge d'études orientales
Article (Scientific journals)
L’ironie dans Ounamon : les emplois de mk et de ptr
Winand, Jean
2004In Göttinger Miszellen, (200), p. 105-110
Article (Scientific journals)
La non-expression de l’objet direct en égyptien ancien : études valentielles
Winand, Jean
2004In Lingua Aegyptia, (12), p. 205-234
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Un instrument politique au Nouvel Empire: l'oracle d'Amon de Karnak
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Les auteurs grecs et latins face aux écritures égyptiennes
Winand, Jean
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
"Etre créé" et "venir à l'existence". Réflexions sur l'Etre en Egypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Les auteurs classiques et les écritures égyptiennes: Questions de terminologie
Winand, Jean
2003Société belge d'études orientales
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Les auteurs classiques face aux écritures égyptiennes
Winand, Jean
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
A Dictionary between Lexicon and Grammar: Interplay of Verbal Aktionsart and Grammatical Aspects
Winand, Jean
2003In Hafemann, I. (Ed.) Wege zu einem digitalem Corpus Ägyptischer Texte
Article (Scientific journals)
Les décrets oraculaires pris en l’honneur d’Hénouttaouy et de Maatkarê (Xe et VIIe pylônes)
Winand, Jean
2003In Cahiers de Karnak, (11), p. 603-710
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Réflexions sur l'anthropologie du temps: Le cas de l'Egypte ancienne. Questions et méthodes
Winand, Jean
2003In Pirenne, Vinciane (Ed.) Représentations du temps dans les religions
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
L'égyptologie en 2002. Recherche et Enseignement. Réalités nationales et contraintes européennes
Winand, Jean
2002L'égyptologie en 2002
Post doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Temps et aspect en égyptien ancien. Une approche sémantique
Winand, Jean
Post doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Aspectualité et actionalité. Essai sur la temporalité en égyptien ancien
Winand, Jean
Article (Scientific journals)
Le beau et l’idée du beau: Les mots pour le dire
Winand, Jean
2002In Beautés d’Égypte, p. 17-24
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Les temps de l'Egypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
Article (Scientific journals)
À la croisée du temps, de l’aspect et du mode: Le conjonctif en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
2001In Lingua Aegyptia, (9), p. 293-329
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
La progression au sein de la narration en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
2000VIIIe Congrès international des Egyptologues
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les métaphores du temps en Egypte ancienne
Winand, Jean
Article (Scientific journals)
La progression au sein de la narration en égyptien: Éléments d’une grammaire du texte
Winand, Jean
2000In Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, (100), p. 403-435
Peer reviewed
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
A dictionary between Lexicon and Grammar. Interplay of verbal Aktionsart and grammatical aspect
Winand, Jean
1999Datenbank im Verbund
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Les métaphores du temps
Winand, Jean
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Aspect in Egyptology and ... in Egyptian
Winand, Jean
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Grammaire raisonnée de l'égyptien classique
Malaise, Michel; Winand, Jean
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Un dictionnaire des verbes néo-égyptiens
Winand, Jean
1999In Reineke, W. (Ed.) Wörterbücher und Textcorpus
Peer reviewed
Book review (Scientific journals)
Compte-rendu de A. Gasse : Catalogue des ostraca littéraires de Deir el-Médina
Winand, Jean
1998In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 73 (146), p. 72-75
Book review (Scientific journals)
Compte-rendu de C. Peust : Indirekte Rede im Neuägyptischen
Winand, Jean
1998In Bibliotheca Orientalis, 55, p. 732-735
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
La ponctuation avant la ponctuation. L’organisation du message écrit dans l’Égypte pharaonique
Winand, Jean
1998In À qui appartient la ponctuation ?
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Les divinités canopes représentées par paires dans le monnayage alexandrin
Winand, Jean
1998In Clarysse, Willy (Ed.) Egyptian Religion. The Last Thousand Years
Article (Scientific journals)
Les registres d’expression, l’instance d’énonciation et les niveaux linguistiques à la Troisième Période Intermédiaire
Winand, Jean
1998In Lingua Aegyptia, 6, p. 217-230
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Prolégomènes à une théorie unifiée de la temporalité en égyptien
Winand, Jean
1998In Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Une nouvelle grammaire de néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
1998In Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 93, p. 288-300
Peer reviewed
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Temporality and actionality in Egyptian (Middle and Late Egyptian)
Winand, Jean
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Un dictionnaire des verbes néo-égyptiens
Winand, Jean
1997Textcorpus und Wörterbuch
Article (Scientific journals)
Une grammaire de l'égyptien de la 18e dynastie
Winand, Jean
1997In Orientalische Literaturzeitung, 92, p. 293-313
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Une nouvelle sagesse en hiératique de la Basse Époque (Papyrus Brooklyn Museum 47.218.135)
Winand, Jean
1997In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 72, p. 42-53
Peer reviewed
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Apport de la description des langues non indo-européennes à la linguistique générale
Winand, Jean
Book review (Scientific journals)
Compte-rendu de E. Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt
Winand, Jean
1996In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 71 (141), p. 57-62
Book review (Scientific journals)
cr de E. Wente, Letters from Ancient Egypt
Winand, Jean
1996In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 71 (141), p. 57-62
Article (Scientific journals)
La négation bn ... iwnA en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
1996In Lingua Aegyptia, 5, p. 223-236
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
Les constructions analogiques du futur III
Winand, Jean
1996In Revue d'Egyptologie, 47, p. 189-215
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
À propos des graphies dans les Late Ramesside Letters
Winand, Jean
1995In Lingua Aegyptia, 4, p. 317-320
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
Entre sémantique et syntaxe. Pour une classification des lexèmes verbaux en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
1995In Lingua Aegyptia, 4, p. 349-367
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
La grammaire au secours de la datation des textes
Winand, Jean
1995In Revue d'Egyptologie, 46, p. 187-202
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Bon anniversaire. Compte rendu de la Xe Table Ronde ‘Informatique et Égyptologie, Bordeaux, 1994’
Winand, Jean
1994In Revue. Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences Humaines, 41, p. 138-145
Article (Scientific journals)
Derechef Ounamon, 2,13-14
Winand, Jean
1994In Göttinger Miszellen, 139, p. 95-108
Article (Scientific journals)
Jean Capart ou la naissance de l’égyptologie belge
Winand, Jean
1994In Egyptes, 4, p. 6-9
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Les divinités-canopes sur les monnaies impériales d'Alexandrie
Winand, Jean
1994In Grimal, N. C. (Ed.) Hommages à J. Leclant
Article (Scientific journals)
La racine grb et l'Amon-grb
Malaise, Michel; Winand, Jean
1993In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 68, p. 61-77
Book review (Scientific journals)
Compte-rendu de J. Cerny : Papyrus hiératiques de Deir-el-Médineh
Winand, Jean
1993In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 78, p. 84-87
Book review (Scientific journals)
cr de J. Cerny, Papyrus hiératiques de Deir el-Médineh, t. II
Winand, Jean
1993In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 68, p. 84-87
Article (Scientific journals)
De la perversité des comptes rendus
Winand, Jean
1993In Göttinger Miszellen, 134, p. 111
Contribution to collective works (Parts of books)
Les parfums en Égypte
Winand, Jean
1993In Les parfums en Egypte
Conference given outside the academic context (Diverse speeches and writings)
Les divinités canopes
Winand, Jean
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Études de néo-égyptien, I La morphologie verbale
Winand, Jean
Article (Scientific journals)
Un nouveau timbre amphorique rhodien
Winand, Jean
1992In Akkadica : Périodique Bimestriel de la Fondation Assyriologique Georges Dossin, 79-80, p. 36-38
Book review (Scientific journals)
Compte-rendu de M. Broze : La princesse de Bakhtan
Winand, Jean
1991In Bibliotheca Orientalis, 48, p. 456-459
Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Iy et iw: unité morphologique et sémantique
Winand, Jean
1991In Lingua Aegyptia, 1, p. 357-388
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Article (Scientific journals)
Le serment de Paneb et de son fils (P Salt 124, V° 1,5-8)
Winand, Jean
1991In Bulletin de la Société Égyptologique de Genève, 15, p. 107-113
Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Iy and iw as a single morphological and semantic entity
Winand, Jean
1990Second International Conference on Egyptian Grammar (Crossroads II)
Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Das Eine und die Vielen in Neuägyptischen
Winand, Jean
Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Les bases de données de textes en égyptien
Winand, Jean
1990In Informatique et Égyptologie, 7, p. 161-169
Article (Scientific journals)
Les bases de données en égyptologie
Winand, Jean
1990In Revue. Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences Humaines, 26, p. 265-273
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Les hiérothytes. Recherche institutionnelle
Winand, Jean
Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
Etudes de néo-égyptien I: la morphologie verbale
Winand, Jean
Doctoral thesis (Dissertations and theses)
La morphologie verbale en néo-égyptien (de la 18e à la 25e dynastie)
Winand, Jean
Article (Scientific journals)
L'expression du sujet nominal au Présent I en néo-égyptien
Winand, Jean
1989In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 64, p. 159-171
Book published as author, translator, etc. (Books)
Le Voyage d'Ounamon, index verborum, concordance, relevés grammaticaux
Winand, Jean
Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Lemmatisation et levée d'ambiguïté automatiques (II)
Winand, Jean
1988In Informatique et Égyptologie, 5, p. 76-92
Paper published in a journal (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Quelques aspects de l'analyse du néo-égyptien par ordinateur
Winand, Jean
1988In Informatique et Égyptologie, 4, p. 67-80
Article (Scientific journals)
Aegyptiaca Leodiensia
Malaise, Michel; Winand, Jean
1987In Göttinger Miszellen, 98, p. 93-95
Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Analysis of Late Egyptian by Computer
Winand, Jean
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Champ sémantique et structure en égyptien ancien, les verbes exprimant la vision
Winand, Jean
1986In Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, 13, p. 293-314
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Constitution de fichiers-textes en néo-égyptien: lemmatisation et analyse automatiques
Winand, Jean
1986In Revue. Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences Humaines, 22, p. 179-190
Article (Scientific journals)
Le rôle des hiérothytes en Égypte
Winand, Jean
1985In Chronique d'Egypte: Bulletin Périodique de la Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 60, p. 398-411
Peer reviewed
Article (Scientific journals)
Structure et lexicologie: la racine ptr et ses implications
Winand, Jean
1985In Göttinger Miszellen, 88, p. 69-76
Master’s dissertation (Dissertations and theses)
Les hiértothytes. Recherche institutionnelle
Winand, Jean