
Deraedt Déborah

Main Referenced Co-authors
Degré, Aurore  (13)
Colinet, Gilles  (6)
Claessens, Hugues  (4)
Ridremont, François  (3)
Robert, Tanguy  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
environmental modelling (3); agriculture (2); climate change (2); forest hydrology (2); forested slope (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Environmental sciences & ecology (12)
Agriculture & agronomy (2)
Earth sciences & physical geography (2)
Chemical engineering (1)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 14)

The most downloaded
Deraedt, D. (2011). Analyse comparative de différentes démarches de modélisation hydrologiques pour la représentation de la couverture forestière dans le bassin versant de la Houille (Contribution au projet INTERREG : P2IH) [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

The most cited

1 citations (OpenCitations)

Bauwens, A., Degré, A., Deraedt, D., Döring, R., Drogue, G., Huber, N. P., Vanneuville, W., Sinnaba, B., & Fournier, M. (2015). International assessment of future low flow regimes and their impact on three water related sectors in the Meuse basin – a collaborative approach. International Journal of River Basin Management, 13 (1), 123-135. doi:10.1080/15715124.2014.983523

Bauwens, A., Degré, A., Deraedt, D., Döring, R., Drogue, G., Huber, N. P., Vanneuville, W., Sinnaba, B., & Fournier, M. (2015). International assessment of future low flow regimes and their impact on three water related sectors in the Meuse basin – a collaborative approach. International Journal of River Basin Management, 13 (1), 123-135. doi:10.1080/15715124.2014.983523
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Deraedt, D., Touzé, C., Robert, T., Colinet, G., Degré, A., & Garré, S. (2015). Contact resistance problems applying ERT on low bulk density forested stony soils Is there a solution? [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienne, Austria.

Deraedt, D., Bernard, J., Biettlot, L., Clerbois, L., Rosiere, C., Starren, A., Colinet, G., Mercatoris, B., & Degré, A. (2015). Impact of stone content on soil moisture measurement with capacitive sensors 10HS (Decagon). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17.
Peer reviewed

Deraedt, D., Colinet, G., Claessens, H., & Degré, A. (2014). Représentation du couvert forestier dans la modélisation hydrologique : Comparaison de dix modèles. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 18 (1), 83-96.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Deraedt, D., Degré, A., & Colinet, G. (2014). Distribution des propriétés morphologiques et chimiques d’un sol le long d’un versant forestier. Revue Forestière Française, 2014 (4). doi:10.4267/2042/56279
Peer reviewed

Ridremont, F., Deraedt, D., Robert, T., Degré, A., & Claessens, H. (March 2013). Relevance of pedotopographical indicators in the assessment of spatial distributions of soil depth and soil water resources under forest stands : General Methodology [Poster presentation]. Final conference AMICE, Sedan, France.

Deraedt, D., Degré, A., & Colinet, G. (2013). Hydrological and geopedological dynamics of a forested slope. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, 2013-2026.
Peer reviewed

Deraedt, D., Colinet, G., & Degré, A. (2013). ÉVOLUTION DE LA TENEUR EN EAU LE LONG D’UNE TOPOSEQUENCE FORESTIERE ARGILO-LIMONEUSE [Paper presentation]. 38ème journées scientifiques du GFHN, Poitiers, France.

Deraedt, D., Ridremont, F., Claessens, H., & Degre, A. (08 February 2012). Hydrology and variability of soil properties and tree characteristics on a forested slope : Methodology [Poster presentation]. ENVITAM- GEPROC PhD Student day, Gembloux, Belgium.

Deraedt, D., Ridremont, F., Claessens, H., & Degré, A. (2012). Hydrological behavior of a forested catena. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14, 2012-8139.
Peer reviewed

Sohier, C., Deraedt, D., & Degré, A. (2012). Modelling of agricultural diffuse pollution and mitigation measures effectiveness inWallonia (Belgium). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14 (EGU2012), 9672.
Peer reviewed

Bauwens, A., Sohier, C., Deraedt, D., & Degré, A. (2012). How could Mosan agriculture be impacted by climate change and future droughts? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14.
Peer reviewed

Beckers, E., Roisin, C., Plougonven, E., Deraedt, D., Léonard, A., & Degré, A. (2012). Micro and macroscopic investigation to quantify tillage impact on soil hydrodynamic behaviour. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14.
Peer reviewed

Deraedt, D. (2011). Analyse comparative de différentes démarches de modélisation hydrologiques pour la représentation de la couverture forestière dans le bassin versant de la Houille (Contribution au projet INTERREG : P2IH) [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

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