
Nieddu Thomas

Main Referenced Co-authors
Gencarelli, Federica (2)
Loo, Roger (2)
Nguyen, Ngoc Duy  (2)
Shimura, Yosuke (2)
Vincent, Benjamin (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (1)
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 2)

Wang, W., Shimura, Y., Nieddu, T., Gencarelli, F., Vincent, B., Nguyen, N. D., Vandervorst, W., & Loo, R. (04 June 2013). Composition and Thickness Dependence of GeSn Growth by Chemical Vapor Deposition [Paper presentation]. The 8th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-8), Fukuoka, Japan.

Shimura, Y., Wang, W., Nieddu, T., Gencarelli, F., Vincent, B., Laha, P., Terryn, H., Stefanov, S., Chiussi, S., Van Campenhout, J., Nguyen, N. D., Vantomme, A., & Loo, R. (04 June 2013). Bandgap Measurement by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Strained Ge1-xSnx [Paper presentation]. The 8th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-8), Fukuoka, Japan.

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