
Machowski Mélanie

Main Referenced Co-authors
Calvo Del Castillo, Helena  (4)
Strivay, David  (4)
Oger, Cécile  (3)
Gilbert, Bernard  (2)
Hocquet, François-Philippe  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
manuscript (2); paper degradation (2); PIXE (2); metallic pigment (1); pigment analysis (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Art & art history (6)
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)
Library & information sciences (1)

Publications (total 6)

The most downloaded
Machowski, M., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Oger, C., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (September 2013). PIXE Analysis for the pigment identification in the Nizet manucript (18th century) [Poster presentation]. The 11th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology - ECAART 11, Namur, Belgium.

Machowski, M. (June 2014). A new kind of paper degradation process? The study of the Nizet manuscript (1740) and its tin-based pigment [Paper presentation]. Technology & Practice: Studying 18th-Century Paintings & Art on Paper, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Machowski, M., Duminuco, C., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Oger, C., Gilbert, B., & Strivay, D. (September 2013). Tin-based pigment degradation study of the Nizet Manuscript (1740) [Poster presentation]. TECHNART 2013 - Analytical Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Machowski, M., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Oger, C., Chene, G., & Strivay, D. (September 2013). PIXE Analysis for the pigment identification in the Nizet manucript (18th century) [Poster presentation]. The 11th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology - ECAART 11, Namur, Belgium.

Machowski, M. (2012). Etude de la palette et des dégradations induites par les couleurs dorées et argentées dans un manuscrit du XVIIIe siècle (ms. 2369) [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Machowski, M., Calvo Del Castillo, H., Hocquet, F.-P., Dister, H., Oger, C., & Strivay, D. (June 2012). Non-destructive characterization of the Nizet Manuscript (XVIIIth century) : first results [Poster presentation]. Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage - YOCOCU 2012, Anvers, Belgium.

Calvo Del Castillo, H., Cervera Xicotencatl, A., Hocquet, F.-P., Machowski, M., Gilbert, B., & Strivay, D. (2010). Rapport Annuel 2010: Ongoing research on the interaction of green pigments and binding media - a micro-Raman approach. Centre Européen d'Archéométrie.

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