
Demoulin Valentine

Département de Psychologie > Neuropsychologie de l'adulte

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Main Referenced Co-authors
Andris, Cécile  (2)
Annen, Jitka  (2)
Cardone, Paolo  (2)
Chokron, Sylvie (2)
Collette, Fabienne  (2)
Main Referenced Keywords
agnosie auditive (2); amusie (2); ataxie optique (1); Atypical parkinsonian (1); Dyslexie hémianopsique (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Neurosciences & behavior (9)
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (2)
Neurology (1)
Pharmacy, pharmacology & toxicology (1)
Treatment & clinical psychology (1)

Publications (total 13)

The most downloaded
Fresson, M., DEMOULIN, V., HIERNAUX, A., & Meulemans, T. (July 2013). Development and validation of the working memory self-assessment scale [Poster presentation]. 12th European conference on psychological assessment, San Sebastian, Spain.

Cardone, P., Vitello, M., Szymkowicz, E., Sanz, L., Meys, M., Thibaut, A., Andris, C., Demoulin, V., Panda, R., Laureys, S., Chokron, S., Annen, J., Martial, C., & Gosseries, O. (24 June 2023). Regaining sight after zolpidem: a problem of access consciousness or a new conscious state? [Paper presentation]. ASSC26, New York City, United States.
Peer reviewed

Cardone, P., Vitello, M., Szymkowicz, E., Sanz, L., Thibaut, A., Andris, C., Demoulin, V., Panda, R., Meys, M., Chokron, S., Laureys, S., Annen, J., Martial, C., & Gosseries, O. (June 2023). Case-report of a patient who regains sight after zolpidem: Multimodal report. Clinical Neurophysiology, 150, 180. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2023.03.320
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Cabello Fernandez, C., Delrue, G., SLAMA, H., Lesoinne, A., FERY, P., Billet, M., Léonard, C., Guillemin, C., Reyt, M., Requier, F., Charonitis, M., Demoulin, V., Collette, F.* , & Willems, S.*. (2022). Immediate and long-term cognitive improvement after cognitive versus emotion management psychoeducation programs : a randomised trial in covid patients with neuropsychological difficulties [Poster presentation]. BAPS congress 2022.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

DEMOULIN, V., & KAUX, J.-F. (29 May 2020). Rééducation d’une dyslexie hémianopsique: cas H.I [Poster presentation]. Journée de printemps de la SNLF, TELEMANIFESTATION, Belgium.

DEMOULIN, V., Departz, M.-P., & MAQUET, P. (28 May 2016). Ataxie optique: cas E.M [Poster presentation]. Journées de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), LIEGE, Belgium.

Fresson, M., DEMOULIN, V., HIERNAUX, A., & Meulemans, T. (July 2013). Development and validation of the working memory self-assessment scale [Poster presentation]. 12th European conference on psychological assessment, San Sebastian, Spain.

Frederich, M., Jansen, C., De Tullio, P., Demoulin, V., Tits, M., & Angenot, L. (2008). Metabolomic analysis of Echinacea sp. by H-1 Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry and multivariate analysis techniques. Planta Medica, 74 (9), 1089-1089.
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DEMOULIN, V. (16 November 2007). Agnosie auditive : étude de cas [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du centre de Revalidation Neuropsychologique des Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Bruxelles, Belgium.

DEMOULIN, V. (22 February 2007). Agnosie auditive: étude d'un cas [Paper presentation]. Séminaires de Neuropsychologie de l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

LEPUITS, G., & DEMOULIN, V. (2007). Approche écologique de la mémoire de travail : application dans le cadre professionnel. In G. Aubin (Ed.), Neuropsychologie de la mémoire de travail (pp. 241-267). Marseille, France: Solal.
Peer reviewed

DEMOULIN, V. (2006). Troubles de la mémoire de travail : évaluation et rééducation.

DEMOULIN, V. (2001). La rééducation des fonctions exécutives.

Salmon, E., Van der Linden, M., Garraux, G., Collette, F., Demoulin, V., George, M., & Franck, G. (September 1996). Caractérisation métabolique cérébrale et neuropsychologique des syndromes parkinsoniens. Revue Médicale de Liège, 51 (9), 566-70.

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