Publications and communications of Wim Decock

Decock, W. (05 April 2023). Theme: ‘Theology and the Justification of Sovereignty and Property’, written by Martti Koskenniemi. Journal of the History of International Law, 25 (1), 156-160. doi:10.1163/15718050-12340220

Yimer, G. A., & Decock, W. (2023). Courts and Traditional Financial Institutions in Ethiopia: Selected Cases Studies on Legal Hybridity. Bulletin des Séances de l'Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, 1 (1), 27-42.

Delvenne, P., Bechoux, L., Valérie Beniest, Léonard Chemineau, Decock, W., Delvaux, S., Fallon, C., Fanouillere, J.-B., Glesner, C., Lebrun, L., Emmanuel Lepage, Wilfrid Lupano, Meens, V., Parotte, C., Thirion, N., Thoreau, F., Gustin, A., Walravens, C., & Dodion, H. (December 2022). Entering into resonance: vibrations around a common world from encounters between the 9th art and science [Poster presentation]. Annual Congress of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Cholula, Mexico.

Decock, W. (2022). 'Mercatores isti regulandi': Monopolies and Moral Regulation of the Market in Pedro de Oñate's 'De contractibus'. Legal History Review, 90 (3-4), 462-488. doi:10.1163/15718190-20220017

Decock, W. (2022). Mendicité et migration. Domingo de Soto, O.P., sur les droits fondamentaux des pauvres. Revue de Droit Canonique, 72 (1-2), 243-265.

Decock, W. (2022). Droit, morale et marché: l’héritage théologique revisité. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (1), 11-32.

Decock, W., Raymaekers, B., & Heyrman, P. (Eds.). (2021). Law and Society Reshaped by Neo-Scholastic Philosophy, 1880-1960. Leuven University Press.

Decock, W. (22 November 2021). L'assistance aux pauvres à l'épreuve de la modernité: Les réflexions rebelles de Domingo de Soto, O.P [Paper presentation]. Les Dominicains, la modernité et le droit.

Decock, W. (11 October 2021). Christian Contract Law and the Morality of the Market: A Historical Perspective [Paper presentation]. Theologians and Contract Law. The Inaugural Colloquium of the Pusey Centre for Theology, Law, and Culture.

Decock, W. (2021). Transacciones / Settlement agreements. Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series, 15.

Decock, W. (26 March 2021). The Law and Morality of Business in Early Modern Europe [Paper presentation]. Iustoria Conference 2021, Online, Serbia.

Decock, W. (2021). Review: Th. Duve and O. Danwerth (eds.), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America, (Max Planck Studies in Global Legal History of the Iberian Worlds, 1), Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff, 2020, Pp. 382. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 8, 515-517.

Decock, W. (2021). Review: M. Sole Testuzza, Cibo e pratiche alimentari tra diritto e religione. Strategie euristiche dell'età premoderna, (Storie del diritto, 7), Bonanno: Acireale, 2018, 158p. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Kanonistische Abteilung, 138 (107), 428-429.

Decock, W. (2021). Review: C.J. de Bruijn, Latent Defect or Excessive Price? Exploring Early Modern Legal Approach to Remedying Defects in Goods Exchanged for Money, Ede: GVO, 2018, xviii + 548p. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 88 (3-4), 623-624.

Decock, W. (2021). Max Weber, Monopole und der Geist der europäischen Rechtsgeschichte. Archiv de Völkerrechts, 59 (1), 97-110.

Decock, W. (2021). "Consilii non fraudulenti nulla obligatio." Lawyers’ Liability and Legal Ethics in Lessius’s "De iustitia et iure". Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Comune, 32, 249-261.

Decock, W., & Oosterhuis, J. (Eds.). (2021). Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries. Cambridge University Press.

Decock, W., & Yimer, G. (2021). Courts and Traditional Financial Institutions in Ethiopia: Selected Case-Studies on Legal Hybridity. In Bulletin des seances- Academie royale des sciences d'outre-mer. Academie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer.

Decock, W. (17 November 2020). Max Weber, Monopole und der Geist der europäischen Rechtsgeschichte [Paper presentation]. Grotius-Lectures.

Decock, W. (2020). Review: C. Sherman, The Uses of the Dead: The Early Modern Development of Cy-Pres Doctrine, (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law, 16), Washington DC, 2018, Pp. xvii + 461. Journal of Jesuit Studies, 7, 492-494. doi:10.1163/22141332-00703008-05

Decock, W. (2020). Princes and Prices: Regulating the Grain Market in Scholastic Economic Thought. In J. A. Tellkamp (Ed.), A Companion to Early Modern Spanish Imperial Political and Social Thought (pp. 172-196). Brill.

Decock, W. (2020). Poor and Insolvent: Debtor Relief in Alvarez de Velasco’s De privilegiis pauperum (1630). In V. Mäkinen, J. Robinson, P. Slotte, ... H. Haara (Eds.), Rights at the margins. Historical, Legal and Philosophical Perspectives (pp. 63-84). Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004431539

Decock, W. (2020). In Memoriam Laurent Waelkens. Revue Historique de Droit Français et Etranger, 98 (3), p. 427-434.

Decock, W. (2020). Hugo Grotius's Views on Consent, Contract and the Christian Commonwealth - Introductory Remarks. Grotiana, 41, 1-12. doi:10.1163/18760759-04101001

Decock, W. (2020). Christian Contract Law and the Morality of the Market. In R. Cochran & M. J. Moreland (Eds.), Christianity and Private Law (pp. 145-162). Routledge.

Decock, W. (2019). Recensie: B. Wauters and M. de Benito, The History of Law in Europe, Cheltenham: Elgar, 2017, 200p. Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht, 56, 1400-1401.

Decock, W., & Astorri, P. (2019). Immunität - Historisch. In H. Hallermann, T. Meckel, M. Droege, ... H. de Wall (Eds.), Lexikon für Kirchen- und Religionsrecht (pp. 594-595). Ferdinand Schönignh. doi:10.30965/9783506786388_0438

Decock, W., & McGinnis, D. (2019). Editorial - Interconfessional Dialogues in Early Modern Ethics and Economics. Reformation and Renaissance Review: Journal of the Society for Reformation Studies, 21 (3), 170-171.

Decock, W. (2018). Review: X. Prévost, Jacques Cujas (1522-1590): Jurisconsulte humaniste, (Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 541), Genève: Droz, 2015, xvi + 590p. Law and History Review, 36 (4), 1091-1092. doi:10.1017/S0738248018000548

Decock, W. (2018). Normative Competition and the Early Modern Culture of Ambiguity. Review of Arne Karsten, Hillard von Thiessen (eds.), Normenkonkurrenz in historischer Perspektive, Berlin, Duncker\&Humblot, 2015, 343p. Rechtsgeschichte: Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte. doi:10.12946/rg26/416-418

Decock, W. (2018). Jesuits and Jurisprudence, in: R. Maryks (ed.), Jesuit Historiography Online, BrillOnline Reference Works. In Jesuit Historiography Online, BrillOnline Reference Works. Brill. doi:10.1163/2468-7723_jho_COM_209877

Decock, W. (2017). Collaborative legal pluralism: Confessors as law enforcers in mercado's advice on economic governance (1571). Rechtsgeschichte, 25, 103-114. doi:10.12946/rg25/103-114

Decock, W. (2016). Trust Beyond Faith. Re-Thinking Contracts With Heretics and Excommunicates in Times of Religious War. Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Comune, 27, 301-328.

Decock, W. (2016). Rumo a uma ciência do direito jesuíta. Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Rio Grande do Sul, 151, 73-110.

Decock, W. (2016). Review: The trial and crucifixion of Jesus: texts and commentary. Comparative Legal History, 4 (2), 249-251. doi:10.1080/2049677X.2016.1245038

Decock, W. (2016). Review: M.T. D’Emic, Justice in the Marketplace in Early Modern Spain: Saravia, Villalón and the Religious Origins of Economic Analysis, Lanham, MD, Lexington Books. 2014, xxx + 277p. Catholic Historical Review, 102, 133-134.

Decock, W. (2016). Review: D.W. Chapman/E.J. Schnabel, The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus: Texts and Commentary, (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 344), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2015, xxiv + 867pp. Comparative Legal History, 4, 249-251.

Decock, W. (2016). QE 400 Years Ago. Juan de Mariana on the Alteration of Money. In A. di Robilant, J. Witte JR (Ed.), ... S. McDougall (Ed.), Texts and Contexts in Legal History: Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue (pp. 367-379). Robbins Collection at the University of California.

Decock, W. (2016). Light of the World: Reclaiming the Historic(al) Role of Canon Law. Concilium: International Review of Theology - English Edition, 15-23.

Decock, W. (2016). Lessius of de Kempense geest van het kapitalisme. Taxandria, 88, 41-72.

Decock, W. (2016). Droit, religion et remise de dette. Perspectives en droit naturel catholique (XVI-XVIIe siècles). Revue Historique de Droit Français et Etranger, 94, 393-412.

Decock, W., Masferrer, A., & Obarrio Moreno, J. A. (2016). Ius Comune e Historia del Derecho. GLOSSAE - European Journal of Legal History, 13, 1-4.

Van Hofstraeten, B., & Decock, W. (Eds.). (2016). Companies and Company Law in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Peeters.

Decock, W. (2015). Review: P. Oestmann, Geistliche und weltliche Gerichte im Alten Reich. Zuständigkeitsstreitigkeiten und Instanzenzüge, Böhlau, 2012, 859p. Comparative Legal History, 3 (1), 202-204. doi:10.1080/2049677X.2015.1041737

Decock, W. (2015). Review: N. Jansen / P. Oestmann (eds.), Rechtsgeschichte heute: Religion und Politik in der Geschichte des Rechts - Schlaglichter einer Ringvorlesung (Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft, 22), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2014, XXIII-209p. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 91, 359-361.

Decock, W. (2015). Review: J. Hoareau-Dodinau et G. Métairie (éd.), La religiosité du droit, Cahiers de l'Institut d'Anthropologie Juridique 35, Limoges, UP, 2013, 328pp. Comparative Legal History, 3, 342-344.

Decock, W. (2015). De waan voorbij? Islamic finance tussen norm en werkelijkheid. Revue de Droit Commercial Belge, 160-172.

Decock, W. (2014). Review: D. Graeber, Debt, The First 5,000 Years (Melville, 2011), 534pp. Comparative Legal History, 2, 349-353.

Decock, W. (2014). Papsttreu bis zum Tode: Rezension zu C. Dounot, L’œuvre canonique d’Antoine Dadine d’Auteserre (1602–1682). L’érudition au service de la juridiction ecclésiastique, Toulouse: Presses de l’Université 2013, 757 S. Rechtsgeschichte: Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, 22, 365-366.

Decock, W. (2014). Papsttreu bis zum Tode: Rezension zu C. Dounot, L’oeuvre canonique d’Antoine Dadine d’Auteserre (1602–1682). L’érudition au service de la juridiction ecclésiastique, Toulouse: Presses de l’Université 2013, 757 S. Rechtsgeschichte, 22, 365-366.

Decock, W. (2014). La moral ilumina al derecho común: teología y contrato (siglos XVI y XVII). Derecho PUCP, 73, 513-533.

Decock, W. (2014). ¨Geldüberwuchtert: Rezension zu M. Casper - N. Oberauer - F. Wittreck (Hsg.), Was vom Wucher übrigbleibt. Zinsverbote im historischen und interkulturellen Vergleich, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2014. Rechtsgeschichte, 22, 361-362.

Decock, W. (2014). Geldüberwuchert: Rezension zu M. Casper - N. Oberauer - F. Wittreck (Hsg.), Was vom Wucher übrigbleibt. Zinsverbote im historischen und interkulturellen Vergleich, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2014, VI, 195 S. Rechtsgeschichte: Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, 22, 361-362.

Decock, W. (2014). Devil vs Christ. Review of F. Mastroberti – S. Vinci – M. Pepe, Il Liber Belial e il processo romano-canonico in Europa tra XV e XVI secolo, con l’edizione in volgare italiano (Venezia 1544) trascritta e annotata, Bari: Cacucci, 2012, 387 pp. Glossae. European Journal of Legal History, 11, 182.

Decock, W. (2014). De strijd om de juridische kwalificatie van de advocaat-cliëntverhouding: rechtshistorische kanttekeningen. Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht, 1207-1257.

Decock, W. (2013). Review: La ‘Summa trium librorum’ di Rolando da Lucca (1195- 1234). Fisco, politica, ‘scientia iuris’, (Ricerche dell’Istituto storico germanico di Roma, 8), Roma: Viella, 2012, CCLXIX + 570p. Comparative Legal History, 1, 268-271. doi:10.5235/2049677X.1.2.268

Decock, W. (2013). Recensie: S. Dubois - B. Demoulin - J.L. Kupper (éds.), Les institutions publiques de la principauté de Liège (980-1794), Studia, 133, Bruxelles, Archives du Royaume, 2012, 2 vols., 1294p. Pro Memorie. Bijdragen tot de Rechtsgeschiedenis der Nederlanden, 15, 183-185.

Decock, W. (2013). La morale à l'aide du droit commun: les théologiens et les contrats (16e-17e siècles). Revue Historique de Droit Français et Etranger, 91, 263-281.

Decock, W. (2013). La morale à l'aide du droit commun: les théologiens et les contrats (16-17e siècles). Revue Historique de Droit Français et Etranger, 263-281.

Decock, W. (2013). Katholische Moraltheologie und Vertragsrecht — Die Umwandlung der Vertragslehre des Gemeinen Rechts (16./17. Jh.). Forum Historiae Iuris, 17, 1-19.

Decock, W. (2013). Das Gewissensrecht in der reformierten Tradition: Johannes A. Van der Meulen (1635-1702) und sein Tractatus theologico-juridicus. Max-Planck-Institute for Legal History Research Paper Series, 2, 1-23.

Decock, W. (2013). Capital Confidence: Updating Harold Berman's Views on Mercantile Law and Belief Systems. Rechtsgeschichte, 21, 180-185. doi:10.12946/rg21/180-185

Decock, W. (2013). Adrian of Utrecht (1459–1523) at the Crossroads of Law and Morality: Conscience, Equity, and the Legal Nature of Early Modern Practical Theology. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis-Revue d Histoire du Droit-The Legal History Review, 81, 573-593. doi:10.1163/15718190-08134P10

Decock, W. (2012). Theologen en contractenrecht: De morele transformatie van het ius commune (ca. 1500-1650). Rechtskundig Weekblad, 76, 242-251.

Decock, W. (2012). Review: R.O. Brooks – J.B. Murphy (eds.), Augustine and modern law, [Philosophers and law], Farnham-Burlington, Ashgate, 2011, LIII + 517p. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 88, 212-214.

Decock, W. (2012). Review: Norbert Lüdecke – Georg Bier. Unter Mitarbeit von Bernhard S. Anuth. Das römisch-katholische Kirchenrecht: Eine Einführung. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2012, 279p. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 88 (4), 550-552.

Decock, W. (2012). Review: L. Orsy, Receiving the Council: Theological and Canonical Insights and Debates, Collegeville, Liturgical Press, 2009, 161p. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 88 (4), 535-537.

Decock, W. (2012). Review: A. Saraco, La Penitenzieria Apostolica: storia di un Tribunale di misericordia e di pietà, Città del Vaticano, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2011, 77p. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 88, 552-553.

Decock, W. (2012). Review: A. Massironi, Nell’officina dell’interprete, La qualificazione del contratto nel diritto comune (secoli XIV-XVI), (Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 69), Milano: Giuffrè, 2012, XIV + 488 p. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 80, 656.

Decock, W. (2012). In Defense of Commercial Capitalism: Lessius, Partnerships and the Contractus Trinus. Max-Planck-Institute for Legal History Research Paper Series, 1, 1-36.

Decock, W. (2012). De moraal achter het verhaal van ons contractenrecht: een historische reflectie. Nieuw Juridisch Weekblad, 358-358.

Decock, W. (2011). From Law to Paradise: Confessional Catholicism and Legal Scholarship. Rechtsgeschichte, 18, 12-34.

Decock, W. (2010). Review: R.A. Maryks, Saint Cicero and the Jesuits: The Influence of the Liberal Arts on the Adoption of Moral Probabilism, Aldershot, Ashgate; Rome, Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 2008, XIII-168p. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 86, 256-259.

Decock, W. (2010). Review: K. Klock, Tractatus juridico-politico-polemico-historicus de aerario, sive censu per honesta media absque divexatione populi licite conficiendo, mit einer Einleitung hrsg. von B. Schefold. Hildesheim – Zürich – New York, Olms-Weidmann 2009. 2 Bände, CXIII + 755 p. + [92] p. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 78, 463-466. doi:10.1163/157181910X527517

Decock, W., & Hallebeek, J. (2010). Pre-contractual Duties to Inform in Early Modern Scholasticism. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 78, 89-133. doi:10.1163/157181910X487332

Decock, W. (2009). Review: C.P. Baloglou, Wirtschaft und Technologie im alten Griechenland (übersetzt aus dem Griechischen von P. Anastasiou), Marburg, Metropolis-Verlag, 2008, 228p. History of Economic Ideas, 3, 132-133.

Decock, W. (2009). Lessius and the Breakdown of the Scholastic Paradigm. Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 31, 57-78. doi:10.1017/S1053837209090051

Decock, W. (2009). Jesuit Freedom of Contract. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, 77, 423-458. doi:10.1163/004075809X12488525623173

Decock, W. (2009). Counter-Reformation Diplomacy Behind Francisco Suárez's Constitutionalist Theory. Ambiente Juridico, 11, 68-92.

Decock, W. (2007). Leonardus Lessius on Buying and Selling (1605). Translation and Introduction. Journal of Markets Morality, 10, 433-516.

Decock, W. (2006). Leonardus Lessius en de koopman van Rhodos. Een schakelpunt in het denken over economie en ethiek. De zeventiende eeuw: cultuur in de Nederlanden in interdisciplinair perspectief, 22, 247-261.