Publications and communications of Isabelle Peere

Peere, I. (2017). 'Les orphelins sur la tombe de leur mère' at the Crossing with Flemish Tradition. In D. Atkinson & A. C. Rouse (Ed.), Ethnic Mobility in Ballads: Selected Papers from the 44th International Ballad Conference of the Kommission für Volksdichtung (pp. 109-129). Pécs, Hungary: SPECHEL e-ditions in collaboration with the Elphinstone Institute.

Grodent, F., & Peere, I. (28 June 2013). Examining Managers' careers at the crossing of gender and age [Paper presentation]. Euram "European management Academy", Istanbul, Turkey.

Peere, I. (2002). Comptines de dentellières brugeoises (1730-1850): entre travail, école et jeu, colère et prière. In K. I. Barna, Gabor (Ed.), Folk Ballads, Ethics, Moral Issues (pp. 111-126). Budapest, Hungary: Akademiai Kiado.