Publications and communications of Serge Bloden

Nimenya, H., Delaunois, A., Bloden, S., La Duong, D., Canart, B., Gustin, P., Nicks, B., & Ansay, M. (2000). Ionic adsorption of ammonium and nitrate on some animal litters and their role in ammonia volatilization. Annales de Zootechnie, 49, 129-140.

Nimenya, H., Delaunois, A., Bloden, S., La Duong, D., Canart, B., Nicks, B., Gustin, P., & Ansay, M. (2000). In vitro short-term study of ammonia-nitrogen production from cattle urine : influence of ampicillin, hydroquinone and animal litter materials. Journal of Agricultural Science, 135, 57-64. doi:10.1017/S0021859699007893

Nemmar, A., Delaunois, A., Beckers, J.-F., Sulon, J., Bloden, S., & Gustin, P. (23 April 1999). Modulatory Effect of Imetit, a Histamine H3 Receptor Agonist, on C-Fibers, Cholinergic Fibers and Mast Cells in Rabbit Lungs in Vitro. European Journal of Pharmacology, 371 (1), 23-30. doi:10.1016/S0014-2999(99)00176-4

Delaunois, A., Bloden, S., & Gustin, P. (1999). Premier bilan d’activités du Centre d’Informations Vétérinaires en Pharmaco-Toxicologie. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 143, 191-202.

Nimenya, H., Delaunois, A., Bloden, S., La Duong, D., Canart, B., Gustin, P., Nicks, B., & Ansay, M. (1999). Effet de la paille de froment et de la sciure d’épicéa sur la dégradation de l’azote urinaire en présence d’uréase. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 143, 409-414.

Nimenya, H., Delaunois, A., La Duong, D., Bloden, S., Defour, J., Nicks, B., & Ansay, M. (1999). Short-term toxicity of various pharmacological agents on the in vitro nitrification process in a simple closed aquatic system. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 27, 121-135. doi:10.1177/026119299902700112

Lessire, F., Gustin, P., Delaunois, A., Bloden, S., Nemmar, A., Vargas, M., & Ansay, M. (1996). Relationship between Parathion and Paraoxon Toxicokinetics, Lung Metabolic Activity, and Cholinesterase Inhibition in Guinea Pig and Rabbit Lungs. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 138 (2), 201-210. doi:10.1006/taap.1996.0118