Publications and communications of Thérèse Scali

Scali, T., Dupuis, M., & Brianda, M. E. (21 July 2024). Tango of Parenthood Transition: Relationship Dynamics as Moderators of Conjugal Satisfaction [Paper presentation]. 33rd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czechia.

Scali, T. (2023). Réflexions systémiques sur le concept de neutralité dans les processus de gestion des conflits [Paper presentation]. Webinaire du Journal des Modes Alternatifs, Belgium.

Scali, T. (2023). « Qu’est-ce qui vibre en moi dans cette situation ? » Réflexions systémiques sur le concept de neutralité dans les processus de gestion des conflits. Journal des Modes Alternatifs.

Mangion, V., & Scali, T. (2023). Étude de l'impact des rituels funéraires sur le processus d'élaboration de la perte : comparaison interculturelle. In Maison des Sciences de l’Homme- Maison Internationale Universitaire, La mort, et si on s'éduquait? (pp. 45-46). Clermont-Ferrand, France: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme- Maison Internationale Universitaire.

Brianda, M. E., & Scali, T. (22 May 2023). L'aliénation parentale: clés et outils de compréhension systémiques [Paper presentation]. Formation professionnelle, Liège, Belgium.

Brianda, M. E., & Scali, T. (31 March 2023). The effectiveness of two group-based interventions for burned-out parents: Results from a multi-method and multi-informant evaluation [Paper presentation]. IFTA 25TH WORLD THERAPY FAMILY CONFERENCE, Malaga, Spain.

Scali, T., & Brianda, M. E. (30 March 2023). We became parents: What are the challenges for our couple? Analysis of relational processes during the transition to parenthood [Paper presentation]. IFTA 25TH WORLD THERAPY FAMILY CONFERENCE, Malaga, Spain.

Scali, T., & Smet, M. (September 2022). Couples d’âge mûr et sexualité : comprendre l’impact des dynamiques relationnelles. Sexologies: Revue Européenne de Santé Sexuelle, 31 (3), 215-225. doi:10.1016/j.sexol.2022.04.006

Scali, T., & Kerstenne, M. (July 2020). “My grandchild wants a baby”. Grandparents’ attitudes towards their gay or lesbian grandchild and their desire to become parent [Paper presentation]. 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP), prague, Czechia.

D'Amore, S., Wollast, R., Green, R.-J., Bouchat, P., Costa, P. A., Katuzny, K., Scali, T., Baiocco, R., Vecho, O., Mijas, M. E., Aparicio, M. E., Geroulanou, K., & Klein, O. (2020). Heterosexual University Students’ Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Couples and Parents Across Seven European Countries. Sexuality Research and Social Policy: Journal of NSRC. doi:10.1007/s13178-020-00511-4

Maréchal, C., & Scali, T. (2020). Le rôle des oncles et des tantes auprès des familles dont les parents ont présenté des épisodes de négligence. Une étude de cas cliniques. Revue Internationale de l'Education Familiale, 2019/2 (46), 147 - 166. doi:10.3917/rief.046.0147

Scali, T., & Claes, C. (13 September 2019). What will you sacrifice for your couple? [Poster presentation]. 10th Conference of the European Family Therapy Association : Visible and Invisible: Bordering Change in Systemic Family Therapy, Naples, Italy.

Scali, T. (2019). Intervention Programs for Children of Divorced Parents: Presentation of the Children’s Support Group Developed in Belgium.

Scali, T. (2019). Action Plans to Prevent Negative Attitudes Towards Gay and Lesbian Parents: A Systemic Analysis of Health-Care Interventions in Belgium.

Meens, J., Blavier, A., & Scali, T. (14 May 2019). Study of child placement in foster care : Analysis of sense of belonging and conflict of loyalties [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

Scali, T., & Claes, C. (14 May 2019). "How can we be happy together?": Study of the link between the type of interactions between partners and their level of conjugal and sexual satisfaction [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

Scali, T. (2018). Défis et ressources des intervenants psychosociaux. Le groupe de parole pour enfants comme outil thérapeutique [Paper presentation]. Parentalité sur le fil. L'enfant au cœur des séparations, Liège, Belgium.

Scali, T. (19 May 2017). « Mes parents se séparent ! Et moi ? ». Les groupes de parole pour enfants : une ressource en cas de séparation des parents [Poster presentation]. Jubilé de la Faculté de Psychologie, Logopédie et Sciences de l’Education, Liège, Belgium.

Scali, T., D'Amore, S., & Green, R.-J. (25 March 2017). Belgian heterosexuals’ attitudes towards different types of same-sex parenting [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, VIENNA, Austria.

Scali, T. (28 November 2016). Lesbians and gay men accessing parenthood: opportunities and challenges [Paper presentation]. International Colloquium on Psychological Sciences, Landau-in-der-Pfalz, Germany.

Scali, T. (2016). Belgian Heterosexuals’ Attitudes towards Gay and Lesbian Couples and Same-sex Parenting [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Scali, T. (19 October 2016). Faire famille aujourd'hui : expériences de personnes gays, lesbiennes et trans [Paper presentation]. Entangled Kinship Spaces: Ethnographic approaches of contemporary public and intimate (re)configurations, Liege, Belgium.

Scali, T., D'Amore, S., Haxhe, S., & Duret, I. (29 September 2016). Transition to parenthood of lesbian parents: key processes and clinical implications [Paper presentation]. 9th EFTA Congress (European Family Therapy Association), Athens, Greece.

Scali, T., & D'Amore, S. (May 2016). Children in same-sex-headed families: what kind of support can they receive from the society? [Poster presentation]. 15th Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Prague, Czechia.

Scali, T., & D'Amore, S. (2016). Défis et besoins des intervenants psycho-sociaux en planning familial face à la thématique de l’homoparentalité. Thérapie Familiale, 37 (2), 177-194.

BENISHYA-SERRAZ, A., Scali, T., & D'Amore, S. (October 2015). 20 ans après le génocide des Tutsis : Migration des survivants en Belgique et élaboration des pertes [Poster presentation]. 2ème Journée de Recherche Clinique de la CPLU, Liège, Belgium.

D'Amore, S., Green, R.-J., Katzuny, K., Aparicio, M., Baiocco, R., Da Costa, P., Dora, M., Geroulanou, K., Scali, T., & Vecho, O. (08 July 2015). Attitudes toward Gay and Lesbian Marriage and Parenting Across Seven European Countries [Paper presentation]. The 14 th Internatonal Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy.

Haxhe, S., Scali, T., Messina, R., & D'Amore, S. (July 2015). Sibling relationship in the LGB coming-out: Support vs non-support. A qualitative study of elements involved [Poster presentation]. 14th European Congress of psychology.

Messina, R., Scali, T., Haxhe, S., & D'Amore, S. (July 2015). Outness and social support sources among gay and lesbian people: a binational study [Poster presentation]. 14th European Congress of psychology, Milan, Italy.

Scali, T., D'Amore, S., & Green, R.-J. (July 2015). Are Predictors of Support for Same-Sex Marriage and Same-Sex Parenting the Same for Men and Women? [Paper presentation]. The 14th European Congress of Phychology, Milan, Italy.

Scali, T. (31 March 2015). Les attitudes des hétérosexuels envers le mariage et la parentalité des gays et des lesbiennes en Belgique francophone [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact FNRS: recherche systémique en psychologie clinique.

Scali, T., & D'Amore, S. (2015). Same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption: Socio-political context of the rights of gay and lesbian people in Belgium. Psychology of Sexualities Review, 6 (1), 81-98.

Scali, T., & D'Amore, S. (2015). Les attitudes des hétérosexuels envers le mariage et la parentalité des gays et des lesbiennes en Belgique francophone: premiers résultats.

Steffens, M. C., Jonas, K. J., & Scali, T. (2015). Putting Prejudice into Perspective: Does Perceived Suitability for Adoption Depend on Sexual Orientation More Than on Other Applicant Features? Sensoria: A Journal of Mind, Brain and Culture, 6, 41-57.

Scali, T., & D'Amore, S. (December 2014). Les intervenants psycho-sociaux face à l’homoparentalité: quels besoins et quels défis? [Paper presentation]. 8ème Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé, Liège, Belgium.

D'Amore, S., Green, R.-J., Gross, M., Vecho, O., Gratton, E., Baiocco, R., Scali, T., & Haxhe, S. (22 November 2014). Les attitudes des jeunes hétérosexuels envers les couples homosexuels et les familles homoparentales: premiers résultats d'une étude crossnationale (Belgique, France et Italie) [Paper presentation]. Séminaires de Recherche Association Parents Gays et Lesbiens, Paris, France.

D'Amore, S., Green, R., Katzuny, K., Baiocco, R., Vecho, O., Gratton, E., Gross, M., Haxhe, S., Lingiardi, V., Mazzoni, S., & Scali, T. (July 2014). Comparing Heterosexuals' attitudes toward gay and lesbian couples and parents across Belgium, France and Italy [Paper presentation]. International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP). From crisis to sustainable Well-being, Paris, France.

Scali, T., D'Amore, S., & Green, R.-J. (July 2014). Gay and Lesbian Families Well-Beeing: Respectively Ten and Seven years after the legalization of Same-sex Marriage and Same-sex Adoption in Belgium, understanding heterosexual adults' attitudes [Paper presentation]. International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP). From Crisis to Sustainable Well-being, Paris, France.


Scali, T. (10 April 2014). Capire gli attegiamenti nei confronti degli omogenitori in Belgio [Paper presentation]. Love Makes a Family, scientific congress, Rome, Italy.

Scali, T., D'Amore, S., & Green, R.-J. (10 April 2014). Same-sex parenting is legal in Belgium but some heterosexuals support it and others don't: why? [Poster presentation]. Convegno scientifico: Love Makes a Family, Rome, Italy.

D'Amore, S., Mazzoni, S., Baiocco, R., Lingiardi, V., Scali, T., & Haxhe, S. (09 April 2014). Cosa pensano i giovani adulti della genitorialità delle persone gay e lesbiche e dello sviluppo dei bambini [Paper presentation]. Love makes a family-Crescere in family con genitor gay e lesbiche, Roma, Italy.

Scali, T. (2014). L'homoparentalité, ça dérange qui? [Paper presentation]. Ma thèse en 180 secondes. Concours de vulgarisation scientifique, Liège, Belgium.

Scali, T. (2014). Attitudes et regards envers les Couples Homosexuels et les Familles Homoparentales.

Scali, T., D'Amore, S., & Green, R.-J. (February 2014). Heterosexuals’ Attitudes Towards Gay and Lesbian Couples and Families [Paper presentation]. Colloquium, Landau in der Pfalz, Germany.

D'Amore, S., Green, R.-J., Scali, T., Liberati, G., & Haxhe, S. (2014). Belgian heterosexual attitudes toward homosexual couples and families. In H. Pereira & P. Costa (Eds.), Coming-out for LBBT. Psychology in the current international scenario (pp. 18-24). Lisbon, Portugal: University of Beira Interior.

D'Amore, S., Green, R.-J., Scali, T., & Liberati, G. (21 June 2013). BELGIAN HETEROSEXUALS’ ATTITUDES TOWARD HOMOSEXUAL COUPLES AND FAMILIES [Paper presentation]. Lgbt Psychology and Related Fields-Coming Out for LGBT Psychology in the current international scenario, Lisboa, Portugal.

D'Amore, S., Miscioscia, M., Scali, T., Haxhe, S., & Bullens, Q. (2013). Couples Homosexuels et Familles Homoparentales. Défis, Ressources et Perspectives pour la Thérapie Systémique. Thérapie Familiale, 34 (1), 69-84.

Fossoul, C., D'Amore, S., Miscioscia, M., & Scali, T. (2013). La transition à la parentalité chez les couples homosexuels: étude exploratoire. Thérapie Familiale, 34 (2), 265-283. doi:10.3917/tf.132.0265

Messina, R., Scali, T., & D'Amore, S. (2013). Homosexualité et relations de couple: comparaison entre un groupe italien et belge. Thérapie Familiale, 34 (3), 381-394. doi:10.3917/tf.133.0387

Fossoul, C., D'Amore, S., Miscioscia, M., & Scali, T. (17 November 2012). La Transition à la parentalité chez les couples homosexuels : étude exploratoire [Paper presentation]. 3ème journée recherche et évaluation des interventions et des thérapies systémiques.

Messina, R., Scali, T., & D'Amore, S. (17 November 2012). Attachement romantique, homophobie intériorisée et soutien social: comparaison entre un groupe italien et un groupe belge [Poster presentation]. 3e JOURNÉE RECHERCHE ET ÉVALUATION DES INTERVENTIONS ET DES THÉRAPIES SYSTÉMIQUES, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Bullens, Q., Miscioscia, M., Scali, T., & D'Amore, S. (09 June 2012). Les enfants des familles recomposées hétéro et homoparentales : défis thérapeutiques à partir de deux cas cliniques contrastés [Paper presentation]. Children on the edge - Culturel dilemmas for helping professionals, Rome, Italy.

Scali, T. (2011). La famille en transition: divorce et besoins des enfants. Le groupe de parole comme ressource [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.