Publications and communications of Pierre Franco

Loreggia, D., Fineschi, S., Capobianco, G., Bemporad, A., Casti, M., Landini, F., Nicolini, G., Zangrilli, L., Massone, G., Noce, V., Romoli, M., Terenzi, L., Morgante, G., Belluso, M., Thizy, C., Galy, C., Hermans, A., Franco, P., Pirard, A., ... Accatino, L. (June 2021). PROBA-3 mission and the Shadow Position Sensors: Metrology measurement concept and budget. Advances in Space Research, 67 (11), 3793 - 3806. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2020.07.022

Domken, I., Bonnet, E. (Other coll.), Jamotton, P. (Other coll.), Franco, P. (Other coll.), Grodent, C. (Other coll.), LiƩbecq, S. (Other coll.), Thome, M. (Other coll.), Tychon, I. (Other coll.), & Cucchiaro, A. (Other coll.). (2006). Planck S/C thermal testing in Focal 5 facility. In Planck S/C thermal testing in Focal 5 facility.

Rochus, P., Defise, J.-M., Lecat, J.-H., Stockman, Y., Franco, P., Gillis, J.-M., Mazy, E., Halain, J.-P., Rossi, L., & Thibert, T. (2004). PROBA II payload: a Belgian mini space weather observatory. IAC Papers, 5, 3403-3412. doi:10.2514/6.IAC-04-IAA.